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What types of projects and service and other activities do you do?
Our Kiwanis club participates in a variety of projects throughout the year that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide.  Additionally, we have speakers at our weekly meetings to explore topics of interest to the membership. We engage in a number of social activities to share experiences, talents and our collective interests. All represent great opportunities for service, friendships and personal growth.
What is Kiwanis International?

Founded in 1915, Kiwanis International is a global organization of members dedicated to serving the children of the world.

Kiwanis and its family of clubs, including:

  • Circle K International for university students
  • Key Club for students age 14-18
  • Builders Club for students age 11-14
  • Kiwanis Kids for students age 6-12
  • Aktion Club for adults living with disabilities

Dedicated to serving the children of the world, this global volunteer organization annually raises almost US$340 million and dedicates more than 7.3 million hours to strengthen communities and help children. Through service projects and fundraisers, Kiwanis members improve their communities, make lifelong friendships and, most importantly, help children reach their full potential. 

Learn more about Kiwanis International by visiting

When was Otter Risers Kiwanis chartered?
Otter Risers Kiwanis was chartered July 23, 1975. Our motto is "Serving the Children of the World".
What is the mission and the vision of Kiwanis?

The Kiwanis mission
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.

The Kiwanis vision
Kiwanis will be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive.

What are the Kiwanis Objects?

The Kiwanis objects

  • To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life.
  • To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
  • To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business and professional standards.
  • To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship.
  • To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and to build better communities.
  • To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and goodwill.

Consider joining us this Wednesday.
We would love to show you why we are the fun club!